Chimney Caps: Count On Our Experts to Install Yours

Picture a nice home with a well-built chimney on top. Surrounding it are tree branches blowing in the breeze, birds flying nearby, and squirrels bustling around the roof. It’s kind of picturesque, right?

Until you realize there’s a big flaw in the picture – the chimney has no chimney cap. Which suddenly means those cute squirrels, beautiful birds, and even the breeze and branches are now all major threats to your chimney’s structure. And when you see those storm clouds rolling in the distance? Forget about it.

Now, we know that every chimney needs to have a hole in the top, so that smoke and fumes can escape. But to keep things like curious critters, twigs, leaves, and all of those other outdoor elements out of that opening, a chimney cap is required as well. Chimney caps are essentially small roofs with mesh sides that block out harmful elements, while still allowing your system to vent.

If you live in or near the Hillsborough area, and you need a new chimney cap installed, don’t put it off – call our techs out to get your new, custom-fitted cap installed right away.

Chimney Cap

What Is the Purpose of Chimney Caps?

Chimney caps serve a surprisingly long list of purposes, all of which help to keep your chimney in better shape for the long haul.

  • They keep out rain, sleet, and snow. Moisture isn’t good for your chimney, so sweeps are always looking for ways to keep it at bay. Chimney caps will prevent water from entering into the chimney interior and damaging your masonry and liner.
  • They prevent downdrafts. When wind is able to swoop down through your chimney, it can cause smoke to enter your home when your system is in use. Or, when you’re not enjoying a fire, this can invite a draft into your household, bringing in odors and affecting your indoor temps in the process. Chimney caps will put a stop to it all.
  • They block outside debris. Whether windy days are blowing leaves, twigs, and garbage around, or if you have branches hanging just above your chimney, then debris is a lot more likely to work its way into your flue and clog things up – unless a cap is there to block it all.
  • They keep animals at bay. Can you blame curious critters for wanting access to your chimney? It’s a warm, reliable, and well-hidden place to build nests and have babies, making it an ideal spot to settle in. But come time to light a fire both you and the animals will have issues. Keep them out with a sturdy chimney cap.
  • They keep you safer. The cleaner and more protected your chimney is, the more safely your entire fireplace setup will operate. Chimney caps can play a big role in keeping everything running as safely and as efficiently as possible.
  • They save you money. You can avoid a long list of damages if animals, water, and debris can’t work their way into your flue and wreak havoc. Between an affordable cap and expensive repair jobs, the chimney cap will always be the smarter investment.
  • They increase the lifespan of your chimney. A chimney that doesn’t face constant damage or wear and tear is a chimney that will be able to stand the test of time. Guarantee you get the most from your setup for years to come by investing in preventive measures – like a new chimney cap.
  • They improve energy efficiency. Because chimney caps block downdrafts, they help to ensure your home’s temps stay regulated when your fireplace isn’t in use – which then puts less strain on your HVAC system and keeps your energy bills in check.
  • They add aesthetic appeal. Caps have been known to enhance the look of your home and chimney significantly. Many are surprised to find that these come in a range of models, sizes, colors, material types, and more – allowing you to personalize them to your tastes and preferences quite easily.

Make an investment that will pay off for years to come by investing in a new chimney cap from our experts today. We’ve got your chimney covered – literally!

Can I Install a Chimney Cap Myself, or Do I Need a Professional?

As with any chimney service, it’s always best to consult a professional for your chimney cap installation services. While it is technically possible to install a chimney cap yourself, this can invite some risks and hazards, both for the person installing the cap and for the chimney if something was done incorrectly.

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Why is trusting a pro the way to go?

  • They can do the job safely. Certified chimney sweeps are comfortable on a roof, know how to work up high without experiencing an injury, and have the appropriate safety equipment for getting the job done right.
  • They have experience. If you hire an experienced sweep, rest assured they’ll know the ins and outs of chimney cap installation and will be able to complete the job without issue. Everything will be done correctly, so you won’t have to worry about issues popping up later on.
  • They have the right equipment. Someone in the chimney trade will have all of the specialized tools and equipment needed to install your cap securely. Using the wrong tools (or using the right tools incorrectly) can result in big issues and further damage.
  • They’ll install the right cap. Chimney caps come in a wide range of sizes, styles, and models, and it’s imperative you get the one that’s best suited for your setup. Chimneys can vary a lot in size and setup, and an expert will know exactly what type would work the best for your needs.

Play it safe and rest easier knowing the job was done right (and that your chimney is adequately protected) by trusting us for all of your chimney needs.

Chimney Cap

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Chimney Cap

Can a Chimney Cap Help Prevent Chimney Fires?

While chimney caps shouldn’t be solely relied on to avoid chimney fires, they can definitely play a role in helping to prevent them. Since they keep debris, twigs, leaves, and animals (along with their nesting materials) out of the chimney, this will reduce the amount of combustible materials that have access to your flue – thus minimizing the risk of chimney fires in the process.

Along with this, because chimney caps keep out moisture, block downdrafts, and keep your system functioning safer and more efficiently all around, they can aid in reducing the amount of creosote deposits that form inside of your flue. And since creosote is the leading cause of chimney fires, this is a huge plus.

Chimney caps have also been known to stop stray sparks and flying embers from escaping the chimney and landing on flammable roofing materials or any nearby combustibles such as leaves, twigs, or debris.

In the end, while caps won’t completely eliminate the risk of a chimney fire, they can play a big part in reducing your risk of experiencing one – making them well worthwhile for any household with a fireplace.

Do I Need a Chimney Cap If I Don’t Use My Fireplace?

Easy answer – yes! Every chimney, no matter if it’s masonry or prefabricated or whether it gets used or not, needs a chimney cap. In fact, most of the benefits of having a chimney cap have more to do with keeping your chimney and home protected – not helping the chimney function correctly (although, caps can play a role in that too).

Chimney caps can prevent significant damage from occurring to your structure, which is important whether you use the chimney or not. For instance, water leaks in your masonry won’t just hurt the chimney… Rather, these will create pathways through which moisture can spread into your household, where it will then trigger mold growth, wood rot, staining, and more.

In addition, chimney caps keep out animals. No one wants a squirrel or bird to have easy access to their living room – and even if these critters stay put in your chimney, they’re still going to be noisy, smelly, and could even invite in diseases and pests.

Finally, consider that caps prevent downdrafts, which can affect the air in your home and put strain on your HVAC system. All in all, these devices are a necessity, whether you light fires frequently or not – and our experts would be happy to get yours installed.

What Materials Are Chimney Caps Made From?

Chimney cap materials can vary, depending on your needs, preferences, and budget. A few of the more common types you see include:

  • Stainless Steel: Stainless steel is a popular material choice due to its durability and ability to resist corrosion. These tend to be more pricey, but when you consider how much longer they last than weaker materials, many find them well worth the investment.
  • Copper: Copper is another popular choice because, along with being strong and long-lasting, they also offer a different color option that many prefer over the classic silver types. Like stainless steel, copper is also corrosion-resistant and can withstand extreme temperatures.
  • Aluminum: Aluminum caps are lightweight, easy to install, and they’ll definitely be the more affordable option. While somewhat resistant to rust and corrosion, they aren’t nearly as durable as other material options though.

So, which is right for you? Like we said, aluminum will be the cheapest route to go, but you may need a replacement sooner, rather than later. And if it wears down and damages occur, you’ll need to invest in repair services too. Because of this, many find it more worthwhile to simply get a stainless steel or copper cap from the start.

All that said, it’s up to you! If you’re having trouble figuring out the best route, give us a call, so that we can help you out.

How Much Do Chimney Caps Cost?

Well – it depends. Prices can vary based on the size of cap you need, the material the cap is made from, and how accessible your chimney is. In the end, though, this is always going to be one of the more affordable types of preventive maintenance – and well worth it when you consider the amount of damages you’ll avoid by having one installed.

Just ask yourself – would you rather invest in affordable maintenance now? …or have to shell out thousands for repairs or a rebuild down the line? Investing in a reliable cap is always the right move, and it’s one we’d love to help you with. Call us out today.

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What Happens If I Don’t Have a Chimney Cap?

It’s clear that chimney caps have a lot of benefits, but will it actually cause your chimney harm if you don’t have one installed? Yes!

You can expect to experience masonry damage, chimney leaks, rust throughout your metal components, clogs in your flue, and more. In addition, if animals get access (which, they likely will), that’ll be a hassle to deal with as well – and with animals usually come bad odors and pests.

Then consider air drafts. Windy days can quickly send downdrafts into your home, which can then result in foul odors, poor air quality, and less home comfort overall. Not to mention, your HVAC system will put in overtime trying to keep everything regulated, upping your monthly bills in the process.

Chimney Cap

We’ve Got Your Chimney Needs Covered

When it comes to home maintenance, we’ve, quite literally, got your chimney covered – with chimney cap installation services, chase cover installs, flashing repairs, crown rebuilds, and more. If you live in Middlesex County, Somerset County, or Hunterdon County, our team of experts would love to get your chimney leak-free, looking great, and functioning more efficiently than ever.

Stop putting off the care you know your system needs. Put your trust in our certified, experienced, and reputable sweeps today. We’ve got the skills and know-how to get your system back in good shape, and our personalized customer service is unmatched.

So, what do you need? Give us a call at 908-864-4114 and let us know, so we can get started soon. You can also reach out to us through our site, and one of our team members will get in touch. Thanks for trusting us!


Many chimney leak repairs could be avoided by simply having your system professionally waterproofed. Ask our qualified techs for more information.