There’s no denying the significance of a properly functioning chimney liner. It not only plays a crucial role in safeguarding your home and masonry against gas leaks and chimney fires, but it also helps improve the efficiency of your fireplace, giving smoke and fumes a smooth and clear pathway out of your home.

But what about those times your chimney needs a new liner? Do you need to invest in a full stainless steel relining job or is there another option?

Introducing: HeatShield – our preferred method for chimney relining. Why? Because it provides a reliable and effective way to restore your chimney’s integrity at a price most homeowners can afford. Ready to learn more? Call or reach out online today.

When Should I Reline My Chimney?

original infographic stating when should I reline my chimney

How exactly can you tell your chimney is in dire need of a new liner? Well, the only way to really know is by booking a chimney inspection with a professional tech. That said, there are a few things you, as the homeowner, can keep a watch for:

  • Damage or Deterioration: Over time, it’s common for your chimney exhaust liner to begin to crack and deteriorate. Any noticeable signs of damage in the chimney flue is a telltale sign it is time to schedule an appointment with a certified chimney technician to inspect the extent of the damage.
  • Odors or Smoke Issues: Strong, foul odors or smoke coming from your fireplace while you are using it can be due to a number of issues. The most common cause of chimney odors though is creosote buildup. And excessive buildup can have something to do with your liner. Regardless, you should have your chimney inspected as soon as possible.
  • New Fireplace Insert or Fuel Type: Converting a wood-burning fireplace to a gas fireplace or installing a new appliance requires different ventilation systems – and a new liner to be installed.

As you can see, there are many reasons why homeowners should consider relining their chimneys – all of which require the expertise and knowledge of a certified chimney technician. Highpoint Chimney Services is happy to help!

What Is HeatShield Chimney Relining?

There are many methods of lining a chimney. Clay tile liners, metal liners, and cast-in-place are all effective and safe ways to protect your chimney. However, HeatShield Chimney Liner Repair Systems has a rather unique installation process that stands out from the other options.

There are two methods that can be used to ensure your chimney is sealed: Joint Repair and Resurfacing.

With both, a foam applicator is custom fit to your chimneys flue dimensions. The foam applicator is dropped down the flue and the HeatShield sealant mixture is poured on top. As the foam applicator is lifted up out of the chimney, it fills and tightly presses the sealant mixture into all of those gaps and missing mortar joints. What’s left is a smooth, tight seal all throughout the chimney. We will finish off the process by inspecting the entire chimney with a special camera, just to double check that your chimney has been sealed properly.

Pretty neat, huh? If you’re still on the fence about whether or not HeatShield Relining is right for you, you can always call and speak with someone at Highpoint Chimney Services. Only carefully selected and factory trained chimney technicians are given the opportunity to install HeatShield products, and we are one of them!

We would be happy to answer any questions, and address any of your concerns so you can be better informed about what is best for your home. So give us a call at 908-864-4114 or reach out online today.

FAQs About HeatShield Chimney Relining

1. How Long Does the HeatShield Repair System Last?

If you are doing your part to keep up with the yearly chimney maintenance that is recommended by the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA), you can expect your liner to last for many years. HeatShield comes with a limited lifetime warranty, so you don’t have to worry about experiencing issues with it for years to come.

2. Is HeatShield Suitable for All Types of Chimneys?

HeatShield is suitable for masonry chimneys, clay tile liners, and unlined chimneys.

3. Can HeatShield Be Used for Chimneys With Severe Damage?

While HeatShield is a chimney liner repair system that helps eliminate hazards and drafts caused by gaps, cracks and spalling, it may not be sufficient enough to help in chimneys with extensive damage or structural issues. A chimney inspection performed by Highpoint Chimney Services will help determine if this is a viable solution.

Give Us a Call

Whether you’ve got a sneaking suspicion that your chimney needs to be relined, or a certified technician has deemed your chimney unsafe to use, Highpoint Chimney Services has a viable solution to your problem.

Let’s get started – book your appointment with us now.